Sunday, July 11, 2010

Tanya & Carl: Wedding Day

Wow, what a beautiful day! This wedding was really fun for us because we were able to have a mini vacation in Victoria AND I was able to photograph yet another past student's wedding! I have a billion pictures to share and I'm not really sure what the `right' amount is, so I've uploaded them here a bit smaller to fit them all in:) This wedding wins `The Most Beautiful & Diverse Location Shots' and `Classiest Bride':) As you look through, take note of your favourite location because there were 5 different ones. Yes, five. Normally we do one or two so this was a picture filled day! Enjoy.
{We met at the salon where one of the bridesmaids worked. How perfect! She was able to do Tanya's hair for her and she did such a beautiful job.}
{Then we went to the hotel where Tanya's family had a suite that was large enough for everyone and where Tanya could get ready for the big day!}
{Her mom surprised her with the gift of the beautiful necklace that you see below. Awesome.}
{The church had such character and it's size made it cozy and intimate.}

{We actually did the formal portrait session before the ceremony but I'll put them in here. When photos are done before, it's nice to have a special meeting place. These two chose the location where Carl first told Tanya that he liked her; The Laurel Point gazebo. What a perfect location to meet each other on their wedding day! The picture where he is kissing her shoulder is inside the gazebo. }
{Then, it was a 2 minute drive to the back side of the parliament buildings. I love the pillars and could've spent the whole time just taking photos there, in the garden, and surrounding buildings, it was beautiful.}

{Then it was down the road to the Breakwater at Ogden Point. It was super bright and there were quite a few people but I think we were able to capture some sweet moments!}

{The pictures below were taken on the side of the Breakwater.}
{Then it was off to Beacon Hill Park. We met up with Julia, the third bridesmaid (and Tanya's sister!) there. This was another location that you could spend a whole lot of time at, it was beautiful.}

{I love the picture of Tanya above, with the veil across her face. Fortunately in Victoria it was nice and windy so there were so many moments where her veil was flying in the wind. We went to the last location on our way to the reception; Mt. Doug. It's such a great lookout point and we just caught a few pictures there. The girls were great sports hiking around in their heels although they used their flip flops to jump:)}
{Kinda romantic, hey? Then it was off to Glen Meadows Golf Course for the beautiful reception!}
{I love hearing all the background stories to the bride and groom, and their story as a couple. How Tanya and Carl met at church and first sat in the same area, then the same bench, then a few people apart, until one day, they were side by side holding hands:) They are such a loving and supportive couple and two of the nicest people ever!}
{To get the kiss above, Carl's grandparents shared a nice smooch first! And on that word `smooch', that was the actual term utilized in the ceremony program:)}
{Cake cutting time! There was also a separate cake for Julia's birthday and everyone sang to her. Let's be honest, they sang happy birthday twice as it was Carl's birthday the day before!}

Congratulations Tanya and Carl. Thank you so much for having us on the Island to celebrate your big day, we had such a great time! All the best to you two in the adventures that lie ahead. And to those of you reading, do you have a favourite location of the five? Your favourite photo?


Lindsay said...

tough call but I love the parliament building pictures! such great architecture! great pics!

kelly ens said...

ok, so these are all AMAZING pictures and locations. to choose favorites is TOUGH. i think my fav is mt doug - the picture of the two of them standing, tanya looking out to...the water? i also love the one of the veil coming across her face that you pointed out.
but the parliament building pics and the breakwater are awesome too...beautiful - great job!!!

Carol said...

Great photos! My favourite location is probably the Breakwater - I love the blue water scenes in the background and the bride's veil blowing - the parliament buildings and Mt Doug are great locations too. She was a beautiful bride no matter where the location was!

Elwin Witzke said...

Love the photos. Great locations.

Bethany said...

Definitely the parliament building, but like you said, there are so many great pictures! I'm glad you posted lots of them!

Lynn Webb said...

The one where he is dipping her on the mountain... beautiful landsacpe and romantic. All great shots though... feel like traveling to Australia to shoot a wedding?? ;)

Tania Grim said...

Those locations look like alot of fun. My favorite location is the rocky bridge.

kristin heinen said...

i love all the locations around james bay! the breakwater, beacon hill and the legislature. i moved to james bay recently. its gorgeous hey? i love the one of them kissing on the breakwater the best.

Julie said...

I like the rugged and gritty mountain top! Super Fab!