Monday, April 18, 2011

Cole Evan Franklin | Birth Photos

Wow, what a sequence of events! Friday night I got an email from my good friend Ali saying that it felt like she would be pregnant forever. Saturday morning, 4:38 am, there was a phone call from Joel saying Ali was 4-5cm dilated! I packed my camera bag and went back to bed, assuming it would be a whole lot longer before I got the next phone call. I usually ask for a second phone call around 8cm so that I can make it to the hospital with time to spare. Well, 5:35am came around and Ali's nurse and friend, Kirsten, called and said, `You better come now! She's pushing!'. I was out of the house within one minute. This isn't about me, but I would never go out in public the way that I was looking:) I made it there in about 10 minutes. As I approached the room, a nurse came out and said that the baby had just be born. I was sad to have missed the first 2 minutes as those are my favourite, but, I was so happy that baby Cole was here! This is the first thing I saw....
{Cole was 8lbs 7oz, a whole pound less than his big brother Caden. Ali was sort of in shock that everything went so quickly and so was I! Last time she had pushed for about 2 hours so this was definitely a whole lot different. Her whole labour was less than 5 hours. Cole just laid on momma's chest while Ali and Joel called all their family members. What fun phone calls to make as no one even knew she had been in labour.}
{Ali then breastfed Cole for about 20 minutes and it went perfectly! Those pictures will be left off of here, but lots of great photos of momma and babe.}

{The doctor, who I actually beat to the hospital, then checked Cole over. Yes, the doctor didn't even make it in time. Cole was delivered by the nurses!}

{Then daddy Joel had some one on one time with Cole. Cole's first middle name, `Evan', is also Joel's middle name. His second middle name, `Franklin', is after Joel's dad. Frank passed away several years ago and shares the same birthday with Cole. Pretty special.}

{Cole kept sticking out his tongue, it was pretty cute:) Then, the grandparents arrived! I loved seeing their faces when they meet their newest grandson.}

{Great job Ali and Joel! I'm looking forward to seeing Caden as a big brother and also seeing the two of you as parents of two wonderful boys. Having two boys is pretty awesome, I'm definitely a fan. And Ali, just like last time, so proud of you! Little Cole, I'm looking forward to getting to know you over the years to come.}


Lindsay said...

whoa. she does not look like she just gave birth! precious baby, great pictures!

Lana said...

Beautiful photos, Louise, and Ali, in case you are reading this... beautiful baby boy! You guys look so great in these photos, so relaxed and happy. Can't wait to meet Cole! Congratulations!!

kelly ens said...

SO gorgeous - this pictures are just stunning.
congrats, Ali & Joel!
ps. Ali - you just gave birth and look THAT amazing???? WOW!

Lynn Webb said...

He's just gorgeous! Great photos!

Thompson said...

Yeah, she looks REALLY good. He is super, super cute! I love the fact that he was born on his grandpa's birthday, very special. Congrats Ali and Joel and big bro Caden. Awesome! Glad everyone is well.

Carol said...

You captured these moments after birth beautifully!

Brides Maid Beautiful said...

Oh, so wonderful! Wonderful pics Louise. Cole is just adorable!

Jennifer Begin said...

Congrats Ali. Love the pictures . . .