Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Owen, Lucy & Beth | Family Photos

I have only had three sessions in Port Moody and I have loved every single one. Do you remember the last one on the Shoreline Trail? Maybe it's because I love the ocean, or maybe it's just because the families have been wonderful, or maybe it's just because it's fun to find a new location. Regardless, this session was along another part of the Shoreline Trail and I loved it! I enjoy this kind of session because this is a walk that they do as a family quite regularly, so it's just capturing their every day life. Enjoy!
{Beth, just 18 months old, did not want to be contained which is so common at this age (I have a two year old!). So basically, we followed Beth around and worked around her a bit:) Owen and Lucy, both aged 8, did such a fabulous job as big brother and sister.}

{We then went to the Old Mill Site which was pretty cool. Old bricks and the feel of an old castle. The kids loved exploring here!}

{Both Owen and Lucy would find a spot they thought was interesting, then they'd pose and wait for me to take their picture. I'm glad they were so into it!}
{A few of just mom and dad....}
{Then it was off to the Old Orchard Site. Ashleen and Jeremy (mom and dad) were commenting about how gorgeous this area is once all of the blossoms come out. It looked like the blossoms were about a month away from blooming, so if you're in the area, check out the Shoreline Trail in March!}
{The winding path above, leading to the orchard, is gorgeous!}
{A few more of mom and dad and then, off to the beach again. How sweet are these two together?!}

{Thank you so much for showing me another part of Port Moody, I had a great time! I look forward to going back there one day when the blossoms are all out on the trees. To the kids, you were all fabulous and had some great ideas:)}


Lindsay said...

so cute! And I totally want Lucy's boots :)

kelly ens said...

i love these photos Louise! What a NEAT location!!!!
so fantastic that the 8 yr olds were so into it too :)

Louise and Gary Chapman said...

Ali-as far as I know, Rocky Point park is at the far end of the trail so it's about a 5-10 minute drive apart. I do love Rocky Point Park (and the train there!) and would love to do another session there sometime. Maybe as your daughter's first birthday gift:)

Nancy Anderson said...

I love these photos, and seeing what appears to be a neat friendship between the older brother and sister. I always love it when you've posted new photos (either here or on your personal blog).

Carol said...

Great location! I especially like the one of the back of the two older kids with their arms around each other sitting on the log. So nice to a brother and sister, of that age, show such affection for each other.

Aislinn said...


I LOVE these photos. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I find it so touching that you captured the special twin bond between Lucy and Owen. I often forget how close they are.

All the best
Ashleen (mom)

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness I totally worked at the daycare that owen and lucy were at when they were 3!! They are so grown up now!