Justin and Alicia were our one January wedding and it was a gooder! The weather was awesome and the wedding party had me laughing a lot. We were able to take photos at a couple of different locations which always adds a little variety to the mix. Can't say I've ever taken photos with semi trucks and tractors before! Enjoy the photos as you get a taste of their day.
{The girls were getting ready at her parents house and her makeup artist was actually her maid of honour, Shannon. The girls were super relaxed and were all ready ahead of schedule.}

{Her other bridesmaid, Erica, is actually engaged to one of the groomsmen and we will be capturing their big day in May. The girls had to get a bit crafty with their dresses, which included a sharpie marker to the rescue. It was great that their dresses were long so they could wear comfy leggings/socks as it was a little chilly out! Isn't Alicia looking beautiful?!}

{The wedding was at Immanuel CRC and it was a beautiful ceremony which included singing by each of their cousins.}

{After the receiving line we went to the Langley Golf Centre where they had their family photos done. While we were waiting for all of the family to arrive, we got a few photos of the couple on the bridge there. One thing we learned quickly was that these two definitely did not have a problem kissing during the photos or really any time throughout the day:)}

{We then went to Justin's work to take some photos amongst the machinery. There was also some hanging out with eating and drinking to relax a bit and refuel for the rest of the day. Did you notice the guys up on the bucket of the tractor? Apparently since they are from Smithers, this is not big deal...Justin hopped up there no problem at all.}

{I just like the picture below because it just shows groomsmen Corey and his inability to get the umbrella to work:)}

{And then a bunch of shots by the red and brown barns which they actually used in their engagement session as well.}

{Around this time is where I laughed the most. The two guys tried lifting Justin above their heads and Justin pretty much ended up sitting on top of Corey's head. It's a terribly awkward photo so I won't post it, but it's definitely in the edited photos for them:)}

{I really like the photo below, I think it's so cute.}

{I really like the photo below, I think it's so cute.}
{A friend of theirs made the `Just Married' sign with all of the brake lights on it. It was just attached to the trailer hitch and was a totally unique idea!}

{I love the mossy covered fence. We usually take about 2 hours for family/wedding party/couple photos and at the end of it Justin said he could've kept going, however, it was getting dark and I think everyone was pretty cold. The girls were so tough and had great attitudes even though it was a little chilly. Then, it was back to the Langley Golf Centre for the reception.}

{They had an area set up with props so Gary took a few photobooth type photos throughout the reception. Here are a few....}
{There were numerous skits and songs about Justin with his long hair and lack of desire to ever get married until he met Alicia:)}

{Congratulations Justin and Alicia! We had a great time spending the day with you two and we wish you all the best as you continue on in life as husband and wife!}
LOOOOOOVE these photos! I love the red roses (that's what we had at our wedding), love the trucks/machinery, the locations, just ALL of it! I really like the photo at the red barn where each couple is between a window - really neat!
Also, her parents look really familiar to me, but she doesn't. weird - i would want to guess that she's Dutch and went to the same CRC church as I did when we first moved to this province, but i don't really know! :)
great job, these photos are fantastic!
haha! the umbrella shot is awesome :) Love the new blog layout! It looks great!!
That shot with the reflection of the brides dress and flowers in the chrome on the front of the truck is neat!
I also really like the one where they are walking on the path beside the moss-covered fence.
I recognize that red barn! :)
I like the photo of the guys in the tractor! And the one of him dipping/kissing her on the bridge! Good job...looks like a fun-filled day! :)
So very, very beautiful! We are so happy for both of you! Thanks for sharing your photos!
Once again - Congratulations!
God bless you both in every way!
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