Monday, March 7, 2011

Amarys | Newborn Session

If you haven't read baby Amarys' birth story yet, you might want to do that first:). Thank you so much for your words of encouragement on that post, it was such a beautiful day and I'm thankful I could be part of it. At just 4 days old, I think this was the youngest little peanut I've photographed. She is the youngest of 4 kids and the only girl. Instead of photographing her, I probably could've just cuddled her the whole time, she is so sweet and seriously, check out that hair (my boys were bald until they were one!).

One thing that I really love is natural light. The studio is great because I can control the light and the temperature and I don't need to pack everything up, it's just ready to go! However, there is something a lot more natural about going to a couples home to photograph their little one there. It was a pretty overcast day so there wasn't a whole lot of light coming through which ended up making things a bit more challenging for me. Also, I'm not a super `posey' type photographer (although I LOVE those types of photos) and that's kind of what it is with a newborn on their own. However, who doesn't love learning?! The priority was just shots of Amarys although I did sneak in a few with mom and dad. Did I mention that there were a whole lotta family members watching me while the heater blew on me full blast? No pressure!:)
I made this cocoon a few days ago and I fell in love with this wool. I love the colours and the texture. I did not make the flower on the headband but I think it looks cute with it. Amarys would've been happiest in her momma's arms the whole time but she put up with me:)
You probably know by now that I love baby hands and feet...I can't get enough of them! Amarys wanted to be swaddled most of the time but I did manage to get a few cute shots of her toesies.
She's actually swaddled in my scarf in the shot below, whatever works! She loved it:)
A few shots with momma in the chair that Melissa was labouring in just 5 days before.
She didn't love the scratchy tutu but we did:)

I love the look at the end. I think she looks just like her big brother and her face just seems to be saying, `Are you done, lady?!'.
Congratulations to you all on the beautiful addition to your family. I am so glad you are such a big part of our lives and I can't wait to see baby Amarys grow over the years to come!


kelly ens said...

so precious and adorable!!!!! :)

Cara said...

Just fabulous, Louise. I've loved the last two posts. You did a great job of writing it up and taking us along for the journey. I love the colors of cocoon!

Lindsay said...

the last picture ROCKS! :)

Carol said...

Precious! How I love newborns!

Tonya said...

Those are the cutest shots ever of one of the cutest babies ever! If I ever have another baby (not likely), you have to come to Colorado to photograph it! Amazing shots!!!