Friday, June 4, 2010

Andrew & Charis' Engagement Photos

Even though the weather was wild this week, it somehow managed to work out wonderfully for every shoot I had. I always let the couple choose their locations and guess where these two wanted to go? Campbell Valley Park! I had three shoots there this week:) They recommended a beautiful field of lupins which was a new location there for me and resulted in one of my favourite photos. Andrew is into photography as well which means that he has a lot of ideas and Charis is super sweet and willing to do anything. By trying anything, I mean look at the photos of them lying down in the wet field of buttercups, its in the black and white towards the end. Here we go...don't you love that first photo? I do!


kelly ens said...

it's no wonder people love this location - it's so amazing! i love these always!
is there more than one red barn there? I don't remember it being so tall, but maybe i was just looking at it from a different side and was too busy looking forward and around instead of up :)

Louise and Gary Chapman said...

It is a great, versatile location. There is just the one red barn, it looks tall because it's with the wide angle lens, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Could be the GREATEST blog I have read this month :)